By Andy Goodall on Friday, October 7th, 2022
in Airshow, Gallery, T6 Harvard, T6 Texan, Wacky Wabbit
TURKISH ADVENTURE PART 5 OF 8 I have to say a big thanks to all the staff at the M.S.Ö. Air and Space Museum at the Sivrihisar Aviation Centre in Turkey, especially Ali İsmet Öztürk, a renowned Turkish professional display pilot, recently retired. Without the support and trust of Ali, his family and the staff, I […]
By Andy Goodall on Saturday, December 29th, 2018
in Airshow, Gallery, T6 Harvard, T6 Texan, Wacky Wabbit, Warbird
Check out the new gallery where I will be listing random Harvard from all over the world with information where possible …. Generally these Harvard pictures will be old pictures from years ago with no real specific category… Mostly struck off charge or scrapped. Harvard Galleries
By Andy Goodall on Sunday, September 9th, 2018
in Airshow, Gallery, T6 Harvard, T6 Texan, Uncategorised, Wacky Wabbit, Warbird
THE APPROACH AND FLARE The 3 point landing – I am flying low to the ground at around ‘one or two’ feet i raise the nose until the cowl intersects the horizon and close the throttle. All the above still applies and I keep the stick in to wind to arrest any drift all the way […]
By Andy Goodall on Saturday, September 8th, 2018
in Airshow, Gallery, T6 Harvard, T6 Texan, Uncategorised, Wacky Wabbit, Warbird
If you haven’t visited our photo gallery yet you must! We have the most Harvard photographs anywhere in the world archived in one place online – Please visit at