Donations are always gratefully received!

The wacky wabbit is owned by two very enthusiastic, highly motivated individuals who see the Wacky Wabbit as a flying memorial to the airmen and women of WW2 and all major conflicts. The Wacky Wabbit is not just a flying machine; she is a reminder of the selfless sacrifices of all the brave pilots that trained on her before going into battle. The owners fly and maintain the Harvard to allow other pilots and trial lessons for the general public the unique thrill of flying in a WW2 aircraft that would not usually be allowed or enjoyed.

The owners state that the fun of owning this machine is about 10% fun and 90% history!

Keeping a machine like this alive at the time of writing in 2021 costs a staggering £30,000 – £60,000 annually. Most of this money is made through giving rides and training pilots, and the rest is made up of contributions from the owners. We encourage people to donate by buying a ride or a T-Shirt; however, we would gratefully accept donations from interested parties to help upkeep this marvellous aircraft.

T6 Harvard Ltd

Lloyds Bank
ACCOUNT –  31654568
SORT –  30 90 99
IBAN – GB88 LOYD 3090 9931 6545 68
VAT NUMBER – 331 2688 14 
Company Number: 11989586