I-FKVE (Formerly D-FKVE) came back to the air last year (2017) sporting the livery of a Harvard/Texan when they flown with the IAF flight school (61° Stormo Lecce, all the way down in South East Italy. It’s where nowdays we have the M346 Master trainer).

I-FKVE – Serial #: 44-82323
Construction #:
Civil Registration: PT-KVE
Model(s): AT-6F SNJ-6
Built for USAAF as 44-82323, 19??.
Delivered to U.S. Navy as SNJ-6/Bu. 112187, 19??.
Delivered to FA Brazil as FAB T6 1712, circa 1960.
Registered as PT-KVE by ???, 1976..
Armando Vianna Egreja, Penapolis, 1983.
Germany as D-FKVE
2008 – Italy stored
PT-KVE – “12” on Brazilian Air Force, and civilian PT-KVE in Brazil