Quick and easy to book a flight in the T-6 Harvard – Best price in Europe! 

It is now even easier to book a flight in the “Wacky Wabbit” with our new online booking system powered by booking hound… All you do is click on a date and purchase your flight!

You can book a flight in the following ways if you wish

a. Online booking from one of our landing pages (Click) Easy and simple!
b. Direct bookings made to [email protected] Organise with us and pay by BAC transfer.
c. Agent bookings with Into The Blue The customer books directly with them and then contacts [email protected] or [email protected] to confirm a date and time for the flight.

Experience flights –  definition:

  • £299.00 – 20 minutes (Flight Experience) – A flight with a flying instructor where you will be demonstrated the effects of controls and then you will have a period of time controlling the aircraft yourself.
  • £399.00 – 30 minutes (Flight Experience & and intro to aerobatics) A flight with a flying instructor where you will be demonstrated the effects of controls and then you will have a period of controlling the aircraft. You will also have basic aileron rolls demonstrated by your instructor.
  • £499.00 – 30 minutes (Flight Experience & Full Aerobatics) A flight with a flying instructor where you will be demonstrated the effects of controls and then you will have a period of controlling the aircraft. Your instructor weather permitting will demonstrate a series of aerobatics maneuvers such as Aileron rolls, Half Cubans, and the inside loop.

Terms and conditions apply:

Please see the terms and conditions on my web site specifically the relevant points (11 a-g)  https://www.t6harvard.com/harvard-services/terms-conditions/

Also please read the FAQ for all those small questions you may have – https://www.t6harvard.com/harvard-services/frequently-asked-questions-experience-flights/